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For the time being we accept the following profiles of collaborators:


Admission criteria for our Deliberative Council:

  1. IQ above 196 (σ=16) on Sigma Test Extended 

  2. Fields Medal + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  3. Abel Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  4. Clay Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  5. Nobel Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  6. Turing Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  7. Breakthrough Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  8. Einstein Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  9. Wolf Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  10. Kyoto Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  11. Kavli Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  12. Lasker Award + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  13. Wright Brothers Medal + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  14. Fermi Prize + IQ above 180 on Sigma Test Extended 

  15. Equivalent accomplishments can be considered


Admission criteria for full members:

  1. Honorable Guest (by invitation)

  2. IQ above 164 (σ=16) on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  3. Medal in International Olympiad in Informatics + IQ above 155 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  4. Medal in International Mathematics Olympiad + IQ above 155 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  5. Medal in International Physics Olympiad + IQ above 155 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  6. Putnam Fellow + IQ above 155 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  7. Medal in any National Intellectual Olympiad + IQ above 155 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  8. IQ above 164 (σ=16) on any standardized test + IQ above 155 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  9. Equivalent accomplishments can be considered (notable people in their respective intellectual fields)


Admission criteria for Collaborators:

  1. IQ above 140 (σ=16) on Sigma Test Extended (or Sigma Test Light+ outstanding knowledge in Computer Science

  2. IQ above 126 (σ=16) on Stanford-Binet or WAIS or Sigma Test Extended (or Sigma Test Light+ outstanding knowledge in Marketing

  3. Medal in National Olympiad in Informatics + IQ above 140 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  4. Medal in National Mathematics Olympiad + IQ above 140 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  5. Medal in National Physics Olympiad + IQ above 140 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  6. Honored Mention National Intellectual Olympiad + IQ above 140 on Sigma Test Extended or Sigma Test Light

  7. Equivalent accomplishments can be considered

  8. Suggested by at last 1 full member or collaborator and approved by founders 

Admission criteria for Sympathizers:

  1. IQ above 126 (σ=16) on Stanford-Binet or WAIS or Sigma Test Extended (or Sigma Test Light+ remarkable publicity about our project

  2. Equivalent can be considered


For more information on IQ (pIQ, rIQ, theoretical percentil, true percentil etc.):

Uma escala de proporção para testes cognitivos

Sigma Test Extended 

Sigma Test Light



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